Artwork should make you smile, and that is why so many people love this Jackalope painting. Who knew there were so many breeds of Jackalope? Do you know anyone who believes in them? You could certainly further the myth with this t- shirt! Here is the list of jackalope breeds from left to right: Belgian Hare Reindeerlope, English Angora Ramalope, Flemish Giant Moosealope, Holland Lopalope, Lion Head Buckalope, Netherland Dwarfalope, and the Common Jackalope.
When you buy something from this shop, you help me, the artist, Leah Kiser keep creating. I hope that my work brings you joy - that is why it exists. Thank you for taking the time to look!
Image Size 10 inches wide
This unisex essential fits like a well-loved favorite. Super soft cotton and excellent quality print makes one to fall in love with it over and over again.
.: 100% Airlume combed and ringspun cotton (fiber content may vary for different colors)
.: Light fabric (4.2 oz/yd² (142 g/m²))
.: Retail fit
.: Tear away label
.: Runs true to size